Thursday 31 March 2011

Factors affecting buying behaviour of the tombstones or headstones

You would certainly like that the person whom you have loved and respected all along, is also paid the same respect when he is no more. Though the person might not be there physically to acknowledge your personal gratitude, you might still want to vent your reverence for him in many ways, chiefly by getting the personalized tombstones or headstones placed at the grave in the cemetery. The choice of the cemetery, where the person is to be buried and the nature of the tombstone are the two choices which you might have to take.

Cemetery Rules

There are good chances that your wishes and aspirations might be restricted by the rules and regulations of the cemetery. Strange as it might seem to you, the cemeteries too have their own rules and regulations and your choice of the graveyard monuments might be restricted due to these. There might be restrictions on the height, materials used in the making, the depth up to which it is to be buried, the clearance from the pathways, etc. Further, you might even be required to use the services of the cemetery workers for getting the grave monuments installed.


Whether you shall be buying the tombstone made of the granite or the marble? The consideration of which material headstone is to be used would depend on your choice, rules of the cemetery and the weather influences. Most often it is the marble or granite ones which are used since these are more durable than the others. These able to tolerate weather influences better and are not degraded for a number of year. Further, it is easier to work on these materials to get the different designs made or text written. That is why these are always in big demand. The ones made of the stones or even wood are not long lasting. These are used when the financial conditions do not permit to use the more expensive ones.

Carvings of designs

Most of the tombstones or headstones are etched with different types of designs. Different techniques are used to get the different types of designs or the text on these monuments. These are customized as per your choice. The customers are first shown the design photos or even the real samples and then the orders are taken for getting the customized content carved on it.


This is yet another important factor casting an influence over the choice of a particular type of headstone or tombstone. Granite is the most expensive one and then is the one made of marble. Within these also, there could be different prices as per the different qualities of these materials.

These are four major considerations which have to be kept in mind when it comes to the buying of the grave monuments for your loved one. You shall make it a point to negotiate the prices of the one which is of good quality. If the person asks you to take the other one which is cheaper, it might be a ploy to sell off the low quality ones to you.

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