Monday 14 March 2011

How to select affordable headstones, monuments and tombstones?

Marketers are clever people. They know how to make use of your emotions and sensitivities. They make use of the special occasions, worth celebrating or mourning, to make money. Carefully couching their words in the marketing jargon, they offer their products or services at exorbitant rates. They know that some of the situations, like the death of a person, are not going to happen again and that the near and dear ones who are in a state of mourning will not negotiate much on the prices. For the person who is bereaved of his near and dear ones, and for whom he wants to show his last respects and love, there is very little that he can do symbolically beyond the placing of headstones monuments on the grave. When he goes to look for the same, the prices seem to be touching the skies. Therefore, finding affordable headstones monuments becomes an uphill task.

Why are these affordable?

The people supposedly offering discounted headstones use this more as an encouragement to come to their store rather than delivering anything really cheap to the customers. Even if they do offer something at cheaper rates, you need to be cautious since it could be of inferior quality or it could be some defective piece. How do you check whether the quality is inferior is not? Well, most of the headstones, monuments and tombstone are made of marble or granite and you can check their quality only by viewing the same.

Most of the defects of the marble or granite can become prominently visible by pouring water on it and wiping it with a cloth.Once the dust is removed, you can see that defects in the forms of dots or cracks will show up. These types are generally available at discounted prices. If the nature of defect is such that the headstone will not break while getting carved or installed on the grave, you can buy the same. You can take the advice of the marble-worker for the same. These types of affordable headstones monuments are a good deal.

Be Practical:

You need to be practical. People who will come to offer their respects to the departed soul are least likely to view or closely examine the quality of headstone. So, why to go out of your budget to place top-quality stone when no one is bothered a single bit about the same.

That does not mean that you shall undervalue your emotions. It only means that you shall prevent moving in the emotional overdrive only to lead to a financial extravagance. Neither does it mean that you shall select the cheapest of all which will break while working on the stone.

Genuinely affordable headstone monuments:

Some of the companies cut their margins or use their economies of scale to offer you the cheap headstones, monuments, tombstones. These are the genuine ones, offering you top quality products at relatively cheap rates. References and searches can make you reach the right company over a period of time.

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