Saturday 2 July 2011

Headstone Memorial for a Loved One

Memorial headstones are one of the most popular and traditional ways to memorialize a loved one that has passed away. It is a way of remembrance that also shows the deceased proper respect even after they have gone on. It is a lasting memorial that will keep a loved ones name alive and well long after the burial.

Making the final arrangements for someone who has passed on can be a very trying time. There is a lot to consider and take in during a very short period of time. Once the major arrangements are finalized, thoughts often turn to how the deceased will be memorialized at their place of burial. Headstones are the number one way to remember and honor the deceased.

Memorial headstones come in a variety of shapes, sizes and materials. It is up to the ones left behind to honor the deceased in a proper and fitting manner by choosing the most appropriate headstone available, whether it is bronze or granite.

Unfortunately, it is not always as easy as just simply picking out the prettiest one. Some cemeteries have strict regulations that must be adhered to. It is up to the deceaseds loved ones to follow the rules and buy accordingly.

Before purchasing a memorial headstone, the buyer must research the cemetery where it is to be placed. The intended cemetery will be able to put to rest any concerns that you may have regarding headstone selection and cemetery guidelines. They will be able to inform the buyer what is and is not allowed. This will let the buyer purchase the headstone with the utmost confidence.

There are several issues that the buyer should go over with the cemetery regarding headstones. The most obvious is regarding size. Does the cemetery place restrictions regarding the dimensions of the headstone? Is there a minimum or maximum size restriction?

The types of headstones that are allowed must also be established. The two most prominent headstone types are upright and flat memorials. Some cemeteries only allow one type, while others allow both. It is up to the cemetery as to the type of look it wishes to project.

Does the cemetery place any color restrictions on the memorial headstones? This restriction is relevant to both bronze and granite headstones. What about vases? Some headstones have integrated vases that hold flowers and arrangements. Before buying a headstone that has a vase, the buyer should make sure this type of memorial is allowed.

The procedures for delivery and installation should also be verified before the purchase of the memorial. Does the cemetery impose any extra fees for this service?

These restrictions should not hamper the search for the perfect memorial. In fact, these restrictions should only be viewed as guidelines to make the search for the headstone easier. A headstone should be a purchased wisely and with love. The buyer should never feel like he or she settled. This is lasting tribute to one that was loved in life and should be purchased as such.

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