Friday 11 November 2011

Types of memorial headstones and tombstones available now-a-days

In Western culture, most cemeteries marked by a stone. Walk through a graveyard, you might ask yourself those buried below. What were they? How did they live? Unfortunately, most of the tombstones provide some clues. Often the information is limited to the data name, marital status, birth and death and religion. If there is an epitaph, it is usually generic or trivial.

As you meander through the new section gives you a Tombstone that a photograph of the deceased engraved on an oval ceramic covers. If you look, you can look in the eyes photographed to try to read Tombstone. You wonder why this particular image was chosen. The deceased or to select it from a member of the family, without a decision? What man, who died at the age of 90, is the picture of his older self and still identify with a handsome 20-something? You straighten your back and look down on the stone with his image faded and already fading.

Memorial headstones are used to commemorate a loved one who died. For centuries, the memorial tomb stones used for the final resting place of a beloved family member mark. Over the world every culture uses some sort tomb as a tribute to their dead. Memorial headstones are placed in a Tombstone Cemetery. In general, at the head of the grave and come in a wide variety of shapes, styles and sizes. Headstones are usually made of durable materials such as granite or bronze that these materials are tested to the elements over a long period of time to resist. There are different materials used as headstones granite monument as a variety stone in various metals. Among the most popular materials used today are granite and bronze memorial tomb.

Veteran Monument marking the memorials remembers those who gave their lives for their nation while fighting in the conflict or any other action against the opponent and achieved martyrdom. So it's a way to a particular person or group of persons for all who have achieved martyrdom, while achieving the broader goals and important for their country's honor. These are the marks of respect and gratitude of their fellow souls. Generally, the names of the soldiers represented on the Veteran tombstone to remember their bravery and courage to a realization.


  1. Kashmir White Granite
    Types of Tombstones, memorial headstones given are good. Now-a-days they are available in various designs in granite.

  2. I haven't seen many of those sleek black monuments before, but I like the way they look. I feel that, when the day comes that I pass, I'd like to have that kind. Something simple that doesn't stand out too much would be nice.
    Andre |
